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An interview with Montana Purchase

An interview with Montana Purchase

Imagery | Montana Purchase, Japan 2024


What is something that has changed your perception of beauty? 
Kindness and open heartedness makes any person beautiful, and lack thereof I believe can take beauty away. 


What was the last song you listened to?
Let love flow on - Sonya Spence


What does your skincare routine look like?
My skincare routine has always been simple with few steps. A gentle cleanser, vitamin c or skin sponge serum, followed by eye cream and my favourite daily jelly moisturiser. Getting a facial is such a luxury - something I would love to treat myself to more often, but a clay mask every other week is a welcome treat.


What's your ride or die skincare or beauty product? 
I see so much sun as a surfer living on the east coast, I always have a mineral based sunscreen in my bag and ritually use vitamin c to help my sun-kissed complexion. 

What/who inspires your perception of beauty?
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t most swayed by fashion, but often I turn to other photographers, cinema, and nature. I have always had a thing for beauty through history - the 80’s in Italy, renaissance era paintings etc.